

The Nephrops FIP Action Plan identifies 11 actions to address over the five-year duration of the FIP, covering 14 of the MSC Standard performance indicators. Each action encompasses a number of milestones. Nephrops is referred to by a range of common names, including scampi, Norway lobster, langoustine and Dublin Bay prawn.

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To reach the best practice level of the MSC Standard (SG 80), this FIP is focussing on:

Principle 1 (target stock):

  • Developing management at functional unit level, that is responsive to the state of each functional unit stock;

  • Developing biomass limit reference points for all functional units;

  • Developing maximum sustainable yield (MSY) proxy reference points for biomass and harvest rate for specific functional units; and

  • Developing harvest control rules appropriate for each functional unit based on a suite of available technical measures.

Principle 2 (ecosystem):

  • Understanding the catch composition;

  • Identifying interactions with endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species and developing additional management requirements in an ETP strategy;

  • Assessing the impact of the fishery on commonly encountered habitats and vulnerable marine ecosystems;

  • Developing a habitat management plan; 

  • Introducing vessel monitoring systems on all vessels to accurately and reliably record the activity of the fishery; and 

  • Undertaking an ecosystem Scale, Intensity, Consequence Analysis (SICA).

Principle 3 (management):

  • Identifying requirements for monitoring and control, specifically in relation to the landing obligation;

  • Review of Principle 3 after UK-EU transition period; and

  • Developing a Fisheries Management Plan, linked to the harvest strategy being developed under Principle 1.


Progress and Updates

More detail on the progress against these actions can be found in the FIP  Action Plan. Priorities and challenges are highlighted in the MSC Performance Indicator Graph (right) and correspond to the three principles of the MSC Standard.

The Nephrops FIP is independently assessed by The FIP pre-assessment (conducted in 2019) is available here.

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Scoring levels across MSC Performance Indicators for each Nephrops fishery at the end of Year 3.

Scoring levels across MSC Performance Indicators for each Nephrops fishery at the end of Year 3.

The Nephrops FIP is supported by dedicated experts representing a range of stakeholder organisations. 


Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) • Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) • Associated Seafoods Ltd. • Centre for Environmental & Fisheries Science (Cefas) • Co-op • Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Daera) • Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) • Hilton Seafoods • Isle of Man Government • Lidl • Macduff Shellfish • Marine Scotland • Marine Scotland Science • Marks and Spencer • Morrisons • NatureScot • Northern Ireland Fish Producers Organisation Ltd. • Northern Ireland Gear Trials • Poseidon • Sainsbury’s • Scot LINK • Scottish Fishermen's Federation • Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation • Seafish • Scottish Seafood Association • Scottish White Fish Producers Association • Tesco • Waitrose • Whitby Seafoods • WWF • Young’s Seafood


Meeting Minutes



Minutes: Management Focus Group Meeting May 20.


Minutes: Steering Group Meeting Nov. 19.


Minutes: Round 2 Environmental Sub-Group Meeting May 20.


Minutes: Steering Group Meeting Jun. 19.


Minutes: Round 2 Environmental Sub-Group Meeting Nov. 19.


Minutes: Steering Group Meeting Mar. 19.


Minutes: Round 2 Environmental Sub-Group Meeting Sept. 19.


Minutes: Steering Group Meeting Jun. 18.


Photos by ©Macduff Shellfish (Image 1); ©Nina Constable (Image 2) and ©Whitby Seafoods (Image 3)